Clime Capital Management
identifies, incubates, and scales innovative clean-energy
investment platforms.
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We create value by identifying and supporting differentiated, early-stage clean energy investment opportunities through the application of market insights, structured asset management, and technical and commercial expertise in high-growth markets where the deficit in infrastructure and responses to climate change offer the potential to deliver sustainable investor returns and to accelerate the energy transition.​
We are focused on unlocking the potential for clean energy investment because it is good business and because it is the only option for a sustainable future.

Clime Capital Management identifies and creates investment opportunities that contribute towards alleviating climate change risk, alleviating infrastructure gaps, and building sustainable economies and societies.
Drawing on a deep understanding of global energy markets, clean energy technologies, and a multi-disciplinary approach to investment origin and management, our on-the ground teams comprise experienced investment, project development, and engineering professionals.​

Clime Capital engaged BlueMark, a Tideline company, to independently verify the alignment of Clime Capital’s impact management practices with the Operating Principles for Impact Management, an industry standard for integrating impact throughout the investment lifecycle. BlueMark’s assessment findings cover both areas of strength and areas for improvement, as reflected in the Verifier Statement.

138 Robinson Road
#11-03, Oxley Tower
Singapore 068906
+65 6974 8801